La Legende de la Licorne

Uncle Kitt Reads The Grinch

The little girl’s always loved books, but here’s how extreme it sometimes gets: I’ve found that it’s much easier to drop her off at preschool at story time than snack time. Seems unusual for a girl who also loves food, but at story time she walks right into the room with barely a wave good bye, whereas at snack time she still has a hard time letting go of my leg.

At story time each night she insists on reading to us (rather than us to her) more often than not. She also has to have a book with her whenever she poops. I think she owes this habit to Kai. Too bad we only have one bathroom in the house.

I Dressed Myself! (And I Match!)

Daddy's Jammies

And my favorite, in terms of being a life saver for us: She takes at least three books to bed every night and “reads” them (often quite loudly, and with the help of her mushroom nightlight) for up to 40 minutes before finally going to sleep. We often hear her get up in the morning from the loud crash of books onto the floor. I don’t mind this habit: To a certain extent it keeps her from getting out of bed over and over and over again. And it won’t be long before she’s reading the actual words. In the end, she’s starting a habit that both her parents enjoy, so who can blame her?