Kai 4 years, Melina 1 monthPeople often ask how four-year-old Kai is doing with his new baby sister on the scene. My honest answer is always, “Better than we ever imagined!” Outside of telling his Grandma Rapoza early on that “she’s booooring” (and, well, in terms of activity level she is), Kai adores what he calls “my baby” and has taken to the role of big brother quite well.

Poking Big BroNursing. Kai loves to watch me nurse his baby sister, and is fascinated by where all that milk comes from. He likes to joke that milk chefs live inside my legs, working day and night to make an endless supply of milk that’s carried up to my boobs by an internal, high-speed elevator.

Bath time. Kai helps us give Melina a bath each weekend. He has the job of squeezing baby soap onto the washcloth as we suds her up.

Picnic at TildenCar rides. In the back seat, Kai has taken it upon himself to report whether Melina is asleep or awake, since he’s the only one who can see her in the rear-facing car seat.

Walks and outings. Kai loves to help push the stroller – and would probably push it all by himself if we let him! Maybe when he’s five…

Speaking of age… Kai is now learning the distinct difference between years, months, and weeks when speaking of age. In response to “Melina is four weeks old” he would say, “No, I’m four!” We would clarify with “Yes, you’re four years old. Melina is four weeks old. She’s not even one year yet.” His response? “Oh, so she’s zero…” Yup, she’s zero!

Finally: Kai has recently taken to saying, “She’s so cuuuute! Let’s keep her forever and ever.”