Tie Dye & a Babyhawk

Melina update: Our “little” girl had her two-month doc’s appointment this week. She’s in the 90th percentile for weight (12 pounds 10 ounces) and the 97th(!) for length (25 inches) – all numbers confirmed by my observation that she’s around the same size as most three-month-old boys in our play groups.

Little Joey Grabs Melina's Hand

Me update: When I was pregnant with Melina a woman in a writing workshop commented, “You should still have plenty of time to write after your baby’s born. Newborns sleep a lot.” This woman failed to realize that they also poop a lot, eat around the clock, play, fuss, and when they do sleep you never know whether the nap will last 20 minutes or two hours. “Me” time is sporadic and when it does happen I’m still on call.

Wyatt & Melina

My way of living in baby time is to stay active and social: walks, baby & me yoga, moms groups, and dinners with other new parents. Yesterday we spent several hours lunching in north Berkeley – four new moms with four young babies just chillin’ in the afternoon sunshine.

It Wasn't Me

I feel so fourtunate to be able to spend my summer like this, yet at times wonder why I’m not making use of this seemingly leisure time to write (a real project, not brief email or blog entries). Then Melina wakes up with her signature grunt or a huge smile, and I snap back to reality: my “free” time is just an illusion, albeit a joyful one.