halloween kiddos


We returned from our Hawaiian vacation just in time to finish up Halloween costumes and head out on the annual candy parade. Kai joined us for an hour on Halloween eve, so we could trick-or-treat at a few houses on our new block. It was still early so we only caught a few people at home, but met a couple families, including one with a boy exactly Kai’s age.



Joey, the girls, and I then headed to our now-annual playgroup Halloween potluck at the Beeler’s. I’m not sure how much “real” food Melina ate, but she had a blast running from house to house with her friends. She and Emma kept saying “Let’s go to THIS house next!” after each candy score – they must have felt so empowered! And with good reason.



A bunch of the girls also spent a good 40 minutes pooling their candy then re-divvying, over and over.

Tonight the Great Pumpkin will visit our house to take all but three chosen pieces of candy for each kid, and will leave a special toy in the candy’s place. Thanks to Meghan for that grand idea.