

While heading to the park on a mellow Thanksgiving day, Joey and I asked the kids what they were thankful for. Kai told us: “I’m thankful for the earth for giving us life, and for two families.” Melina thought for a minute and said “I’m thankful for Halloween.” When we asked if there was anything else she added, “Thanksgiving. And I’m thankful for turkey.” Joey and I were both thankful for a low-key, low-stress holiday with all three kids at my parents’ house.



Grandma and Grandpa may not have seen having three kids in the house as low-stress, but they’d probably agree that it was great to spend three full days of unscheduled time together. On Friday we did make it to Happy Hollow park and zoo, where Kai and Melina had a blast on all the rides. Melina took her first whirl on a roller coaster and loved it. She was lucky enough to choose where she wanted to sit – and headed straight to the front car with a huge grin on her face that only grew during the course of the ride.