

Last weekend we headed to the snow with the Hams for some sledding and snow-person building. With all our wonderfully warm weather the snow was a bit too hard-packed and icy for snow angels and snow-creatures, but we all had a fabulous time sledding and saucering down a small hill at Yuba Gap.

collecting snowballs

girl sled

Melina also decided it would be fun to collect snow things along the way – and couldn’t understand why she was having a tough time balancing while walking up an icy hill with an armload of snowballs, pinecones, and sticks. Luckily she left them on the sidelines when she jumped on the sled.

boy sled


We attempted to have her leave everything behind for good when we left the woods but somehow ended up with a stray pinecone in our bag when we arrived home. Melina’s response? “We can take it back when we go back next year.”
