Kai in Warrior Pose @ Kids Yoga

I love the four-year-old Kai. Not that I didn’t love him when he was three, two, or one, but at age four he’s reached a new level of maturity, interaction, and FUN. He still has attitude to spare, but he is a little boy, after all.

Recently Kai’s mom was on vacation for 2 1/2 weeks, which meant we had him full-time. While having two kids FT was a challenge, getting such uninterrupted time with Kai let us hit a real groove as a family. I write a lot about Melina’s “new tricks.” Here are some of Kai’s from the past few months.

Siblings ~ Melina, 4 mths & Kai, 4 yrs

  • He actually tries to color inside the lines! And he can draw stick people, though they’re usually all head and limbs. The funny part is that he knows something’s not quite right but often can’t quite figure out what’s missing.
  • Like all pre-schoolers, he likes to tell his daddy, “You’re the best Daddy in the whole wide world!” He’ll then turn to me and say, “You’re the best Lynn in the whole wide world!” Nice. Why be stepmom when I can be Lynn?
  • He loves to make his sister laugh. On a recent car drive, I had to sit in back between the two car-seated kids. Melina woke up cranky, so Kai and I spent the next 10 minutes amusing her with silly names like “Jellyfish Pie,” “Squishyface,” and “Bumble Bean.” She ate it all up with roaring giggles.
  • I’ve started taking Kai to kids yoga at a studio down the street (see pic). We’ve gone twice so far, and his favorite part is rolling and jumping on the big exercise balls before class starts. My favorite part is getting to spend quality Lynn/Kai time with my stepson.