February 1-3

We arrived in Mendocino as the sun set and Milo and Cassandra were starting to prepare a delicious home-cooked meal. We thank them greatly for their hospitality, generosity, and many precious moments with 19-month old Julia.

J& Me, Mendocino Headlands Some of our fun included a tour of the headlands with Milo, many mellow strolls through the streets and shops of the quaint town, and a slow walk in the woods with Julia vacillating between running ahead and wanting to be carried. We also enjoyed a full moon that broke through the high clouds each night to light up the country sky.

Cassandra Carries Julia By the time we had to say good-bye on Saturday, Julia was so used to having us around that she refused to give us a hug or say bye bye, and instead pointed to the floor in an emphatic statement of “you stay!” then ran to block the door. We’ll see you again soon, Julia…

We got home to Berkeley late Saturday, just in time to do bunches of laundry and get ready for the Super Bowl party we were hosting the next day. Of course the party had nothing to do with being big football fans (we’re not) and everything to do with an excuse to have people over!