Besides swimming (which we see as a safety thing), the girls have started taking few other classes to add to their weekly fun.



Nalani started a tot soccer class at the park around the corner the day after she turned two. It took a good five or six classes for her to get into the groove. By this morning she was really looking forward to it, and kept saying, “Kick ball! No hands!” She participated like a champ, and even ran across the field in her first-ever game. As luck would have it, this was the last class of the session.



Melina’s interest in ballet has been pretty steadfast, but the Y program just wasn’t cutting it anymore. Several friends recommended the same studio in gourmet ghetto, so I signed her up for a trial class. My slow-to-warm girl was hesitant when I told her this, and kept asking questions about the teacher and the space.



I asked the teacher whether we could do a preview, and after 10 minutes watching the “big” girls (8-13) dance, Melina was hooked. Friend Sofia joined her in the preschool class the next day, and Nalani was eager to join them, too. Sorry, baby, for this one we’ll need to wait until you’re three. In the meantime, after a birthday party at a gymnastics studio yesterday Nalani asked me directly, “Mama, I want take class here.” We’ll have to see how mama’s work schedule plays out for that.