Kai's New BlocksSince we still count his sister’s age in months, Kai sometimes wants to know how many months old he is (or Joey or I are – yikes!) In honor of Kai’s 58-month birthday next week, I’ll share a few “kids say the funniest things” stories about my stepson.

On a recent trip to the store Kai shared with us his favorite thing about grocery shopping: “Putting all the food on the conveldabator.”


We rarely watch football in our house but on New Year’s Day had the Sugar Bowl on in honor of Joey’s alma mater, UH. Kai went to check the score and came rushing back into the kitchen to report that “The team was naughty. They’re in a time out!”


The other day he started telling us all about his little gang of friends at preschool, how so-and-so brought candy and they all hid behind the red play house in the playground to eat it. I shudder to think that in another 10 or so years they’ll be hiding behind the school yard bleachers sneaking something else.

Kai’s latest catch-all phrase is “No fair!” He uses it anytime he gets frustrated, no matter the context. Can’t watch a video before school? “No fair!” Can’t get his arm through a sweater sleeve? “No fair!” Or the block tower he’s been building suddenly topples? “No fair!” As when Meli tries to crawl but isn’t able, we can’t help but laugh. Sorry, kids.