Twin Cakes

Hangin' With Grandma Over Happy Birthday

Yesterday my twin nephews turned two. My sister held a big celebration with pizza and twin train cakes at their Roseville home on Saturday. I’m not sure Lucas and Noah understood that all the fuss was about them, but they had fun traipsing around the yard with other kids and Noah enjoyed singing “happy birthday” then clapping at the end of the song.

I Like Your Necklace

Great Auntie Tille + Great Uncle Gil

We made the three-hour round trip in just one day, and even managed to squeeze in a visit with Joey’s Auntie Tillie and Uncle Gil. They loved meeting Melina and seeing how much Kai has grown (and, er, matured) since our wedding two years ago. Grandma Rapoza will be jealous that her sister got to hold our nearly 20-pound baby!

Time for a Diaper Change in the Trunk

Daddy's Full Lap

We had a yummy lunch at a Mexican restaurant, and Melina got her first taste of Spanish rice and refried beans on her “baby plate” (free for kids under 3!) Daddy tried to feed her pork but she promptly turned away. That’s my girl. 80-something Auntie Tillie didn’t have to twist my arm too hard to join her in having a margarita over lunch. Probably my first since my pregnancy. Mmmmmm… goes well with burritos….