Bath Hat for Sis

Bouncy Hair, Cedar Rose Park

It’s amazing to watch the bond Kai and Melina have developed at such a young age. Even when I was pregnant, Kai would make funny faces for Melina to “watch” from her blind haven in my belly.

Now that she’s an interactive little person, he loves to hug her and shower her with kisses, and will sing or make silly sounds and faces to cheer her when she’s fussy.

Kai on See-Saw, Cedar Rose Park

Hoodie Swing, Cedar Rose Park

A friend recently saw firsthand how Meli’s face lights up when her brother approaches. I’ve noticed it for months!

On the flip side, the other day when Kai wasn’t feeling well I brought his sister to him. “I feel better already” he said, and gave her a big, smiley hug.