15 Months! Labor Day Hike at Tilden

Exploring Shattuck Avenue

I’m not sure when official toddlerhood begins, but if it hadn’t already, it certainly did this past month. Some milestones and traits of mention from our growing 15-month-old!

Though she’s been walking for several months, Melina had never strayed more than 15 or so feet from us in public places. Until this past week. Suddenly she’s taking off to explore every chance she gets. Sometimes it’s out the door, or trying to close the door, or just up to some other folks (aka strangers) to say “hey.” Sometimes it’s down the street.

Stairs @ Daycare

Basketball @ Colby Park

It doesn’t help us that she’s also running. Or more to the point, doing a fast jog-waddle complete with a synchronized giggle.

More useful to us, she started nodding her head “yes” just after 14 months. And she does it in a meaningful way. I’ll ask if she wants a banana or to read “hop pop” and she’ll usually nod yes. But when I ask if she’s wants some milk or a mushroom she’ll always give a firm head-shake NO!

Pool Jump

Sure, I'm interested in the potty... I carried it all the way to the deck!

Speaking of food, I officially weaned the Jelly Bean about two weeks ago. It happened fairly naturally, with the daytime dropping off first (no more pumping helped this), then the morning (she got sidetracked pretty quickly with morning play and big-people food), and finally we decided it was time to cut the bedtime feeding as well. She took to it without a single fuss. I, on the other hand, still have moments of longing for those quiet moments alone with her and feel a bit like this was the final door closing on her babyhood. Not a bad thing, I’m just eternally nostalgic.


I like to help (or, to do what Mama does)

Of course Melina’s favorite people are still Mama, Dada, and BroBro (who she distinctly called “Baby” the other day – cute). She and Kai share a room and have started socializing on occasion before they fall asleep at night, and if Kai’s lucky and Meli wakes early, also in the morning before we get her out of her crib. The other week we took some video of Meli helping BroBro wash his hair. She’s not the gentlest person in the world, but for once Kai’s on the receiving end of aggressive affection.

'Simon Says' Melia and Melina play copy cat at Willard Park

Coyote Point Park

Favorite items? Blankie (one of five, or all at once!) and her stuffed animals. She’s started calling Kai’s stuffed lamb, Chopeater, “Baby” and likes to place him upright in her play stroller and stroll him around the house. Other favorite items: Any bottle she can get her hands on. Tiny airplane-sized bottles of port. A huge bottle of dishwashing liquid from Costco. An empty vinegar bottle. And finally: Books. She still has a hard time sitting through a whole story that’s not interactive, and prefers to bring a whole collection of books to the couch and flip back and forth between them. Joey does the same thing, so if it’s not the age it’s certainly hereditary. And hey, there’s nothing wrong with a home filled with multi-taskers.