Kai's Girlfriends: Olivia, Ellie, Gabriella

Cake Face

Today’s the real deal, but Kai’s been busy celebrating his big six ever since last Sunday. We co-hosted a pajama party at his mom’s house, where some of his classmates, my parents, and a few other friends helped him munch on pizza and Spider-Man cake. When they weren’t eating, the kids played Candyland, blew up balloons for air-puffed sword fights, and played “hide from all the adults!” in Kai’s closet.

Make a Wish!

Cutting Spider-Man

This morning, Joey, Melina, and I joined Kai at reading time at school then passed out blueberry muffins for all his classmates to enjoy. Kai wondered where the frosting was. We told him it wouldn’t have gone well with muffins or the 9am snack time. And once they started eating, no one seemed to care.

Happy birthday, Kai!