Big Girl Bed“Who do you want to put you to bed, Mommy or Daddy?” we often ask Melina after the last good-night story. Inevitably she’ll say, “Mina,” herself. When she started trying to climb into her crib on her own, we asked if she wanted the railing off. (Funny, most kids end up in a toddler bed because they start climbing out, not in.)

Last night Joey, screwdriver in hand, took action. Bye bye crib, hello toddler bed! Melina was ecstatic. After her last story on the couch, we said, “Ok Melina, give Mama and Dada a kiss good night then put yourself to bed.” As she walked towards her room, Joey yelled from the couch, “Don’t forget to close your door.”

Seconds later we heard the door shut, then not a single peep. I was insanely curious but knew if we went to check the whole thing would backfire. She didn’t sing one song, barely said one word, and didn’t get out of bed til we walked in the next morning. She did call out twice in the middle of the night – once because her water was “broken” (she was tilting the straw cup) then later because “pillow fall down” and she wanted me to pick it up. I don’t think she realized she could have gotten out to get it herself! I’m sure it won’t take long.

(8/10 update: Railing’s back up. Melina refused to nap in her big girl bed – or anywhere – yesterday. After an hour-long power struggle Joey said “If you don’t go to sleep I’ll put the railing back up.” “Ok Daddy.” Railing up! We’ll try again later.)

On a related big-girl note, take a look at Melina brushing her teeth with extended commentary.