Kids with I’m playing catch-up on blog posts these days. For the past month or two I’ve been noting some silly words and phrases of Melina’s. Sometimes she goes out of her way to speak her own language, just to confirm her silly-monster status! Here are a few that aren’t quite so intentional, but equally fun.

  • Mina Poza! = Melina Rapoza, or what Meli says when you ask her for her name
  • brorella = umbrella
  • oatmilk = oatmeal
  • yogit = yogurt
  • breakfast = cereal (she’ll sometimes ask for “breakfast with milk” and other times will get mad when we ask what she wants for breakfast: “I don’t want breakfast!! I want yogit!!”)
  • pack pack = backpack
  • baa baa white sheep = any sheep, regardless of its color, is a baa baa white sheep
  • “I too heavy” when she wants to walk on her own and not be carried (of course when we want her to walk and tell her the same thing, she doesn’t buy it)
  • “Lisa” when I ask her what school she goes to (or who her teacher is, of course). On the other hand, she knows immediately that Kai goes to “Washington!” and tells me as much whenever we happen to drive by the school.

In the car a few weeks ago I was listening to President Obama’s eloquent speech on health care reform. Melina intuitively agreed to the the rhythmical eloquence of his voice, saying: “I like this song.” Beaming, I responded, “This is our president, Obama.” She thought about it and said, “I like Bama.” Yay!!

At age six and a half, Kai’s on pretty solid ground with his words. Though there’s one slip-of-the-tongue he refuses to admit: Life Saver candies are “lightsabers” to him.