Pumpkin Girl

Pumpkin Mama

We’ve been gearing up for Halloween for weeks now, starting with reading nightly Halloween stories (somehow, we own close to 10!) and deciding on costumes. Melina knew right away she wanted to be a “ballerina like Isa” in her Dora Halloween book. After I bought her pink leotard and tutu she decided she wanted to be the green princess ballerina from another book, but then got excited about pink all over again when she got to try on her costume.

Pumpkin Wagon

Cookies w/ Grandma

Last weekend Grandma Weiss brought her annual Halloween cookies to decorate. Melina ate frosting and shook sprinkles on the counter while Kai decorated. They both had fun. We also took Grandma and Grandpa with us to the pumpkin patch, where Meli and Kai decided to pick several baby pumpkins each instead of one bigger one.

Camera Play 1

Camera Play 2

This weekend we attended two jack-o-lantern carving parties, one after an impromptu invite from one of Melina’s friends at preschool, and the other at her friend Lily’s house. Mom and Dad did all the carving while the kids had fun playing. Maybe in a few years they’ll chip in. After all the carving fun at Lily’s house, Meli and Lily took turns snapping pictures of each other with Lily’s camera (aka her mom’s old camera, now thoroughly dented). I wonder if any turned out?

Camera Play 3

Snowman Jammies & Thor Thor

Finally, not to leave Halloween in the dust, but we’re already gearing up for Christmas too! The other day Melina insisted on wearing her snowman jammies for nap. Joey told her “That’s fine, snowmen and Santa are coming soon!” She woke up from her nap asking “Where Santa Claus? Daddy said snowman jammies Santa…” I had to explain that Santa comes after Halloween…. and Thanksgiving… and Mommy’s birthday… I’m sure she was thoroughly confused.